Les 8 innovations de Google Analytics 4 pour améliorer vos stratégies publicitaires

Google Analytics 4 (GA4) complète sa boîte à outils avec huit outils uniques visant à améliorer la mesure et l'efficacité de vos campagnes publicitaires. ‍Ces avancées devraient transformer la relation entre les marques et leurs utilisateurs mobiles.

Let's delve into these new features:

Engagement with Unsolicited Users

This tool targets app users who haven't been reached by push notifications yet. Given that only 37% of users activate these notifications, the potential impact is substantial.

Optimizing Audiences Across Web and Apps

After establishing an audience in GA4, this feature ensures that your campaigns target only the suitable app users.

Integration of GA4 Audience Builder with Google Ads

In the near future, creating audiences directly from GA4 will be feasible, streamlining campaign management.

Boosting Campaign Performance

This tool automatically enhances the effectiveness of app campaigns. To leverage this, activate Google signals in your linked GA4 account.

Accurate Web-App Conversion Tracking

Thanks to a new privacy-conscious URL parameter, the conversion measurement for campaigns leading to an iOS app is refined.

Synchronization with SKAdNetwork

Set up your SKAdNetwork conversion value to fine-tune the measurement and tweaking of in-app activities.

Mobile-First Conversion Tracking

GA4 broadens its support for various user-approved sign-in methods, like phone numbers, while ensuring data privacy.

Geolocation-Based Conversion Analysis

Currently in beta, this tool provides a precise assessment of the geographical impact of your iOS app campaigns.

In conclusion, GA4 presents fresh avenues to refine your app campaigns and bolster user engagement. It's an invitation to embrace these innovations and invigorate your mobile strategy.

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