Study on TikTok Advertising: Campaign Objectives, Budget, ROI etc.

Metricool's study on TikTok Ads reveals that most brands aim for visibility, with 26.1% of campaigns focused on increasing video views. Campaigns targeting traffic to websites have the lowest CPC and highest ROI. The CPM varies, with video view campaigns costing the most.

Metricool, a company specializing in social account management and advertising campaigns, has recently published a study on TikTok Ads. This study aims to answer key questions posed by social media managers, agencies, and brands when creating advertising campaigns on TikTok. Between December 2023 and February 2024, Metricool analyzed a sample of 730 accounts and 5,037 campaigns on TikTok. This analysis helped identify the campaigns with the highest CPC, the types of ads receiving the most investment, and the objectives of brands for their advertising campaigns.

Main Objectives of Brands Using TikTok Ads

According to Metricool, most brands aim for visibility with TikTok Ads. Among the analyzed sample, 26.1% of promotional campaigns aim to "increase the number of video views." This is the most commonly selected advertising objective by advertisers on TikTok Ads Manager. Next are campaigns seeking to generate community interaction (21.3%) and drive traffic to a site, blog, or e-commerce platform (17.7%).

However, it is less common for brands to use ads to achieve commercial objectives: 10.6% of the analyzed campaigns aim to convert users, 5.3% seek to generate leads, and 2.2% aim to increase sales. "App promotion campaigns are the least used, representing only 0.9% of the sample," Metricool adds.

Types of Campaigns Generating the Most Impressions on TikTok

Logically, campaigns aiming to increase views achieve the best results in terms of impressions. Of the 3.4 billion impressions studied, 46.7% were generated by this type of campaign. "These data are interesting but not surprising," says Metricool. "The nature of TikTok being videos, brands, social media managers, and agencies focus their efforts on reaching new users through this content format." As shown in the image below, 20% of impressions come from campaigns aimed at increasing reach, and 11.8% are generated by those aiming to convert users.

Types of Campaigns with the Best ROI on TikTok

Regarding profitability, although brands invest heavily in ads aimed at maximizing views ($2,537 on average), Metricool notes that this type of campaign has the highest CPC and CPM in the sample, with $6.08 and $2.1 per campaign, respectively.

On the other hand, TikTok ads aimed at redirecting users to a website or e-commerce platform show a competitive ROI. For an average investment of $330, "these campaigns have the lowest CPC in the study, at only $0.02 per campaign." The reason? They generate 64.7% of the clicks in the analyzed sample. Metricool also notes that this type of campaign generates the most "conversions," meaning they successfully "encourage users to take certain actions," such as clicking on a link or interacting with the ad.

If you want to attract users to your website, traffic campaigns might be your best option, explains Metricool.

CPM Analysis for Each Campaign Type

Metricool also evaluated the CPM (cost per thousand) for each type of promotional campaign. Again, ads that aim to redirect users—as well as those that aim to increase reach—stand out. Here is the CPM for each type of ad, based on the objective set in TikTok Ads Manager:

  • Reach: $0.89 per thousand impressions
  • Traffic: $0.98 per thousand impressions
  • Product Sales: $1.24 per thousand impressions
  • Community Interaction: $1.48 per thousand impressions
  • Website Conversions: $1.57 per thousand impressions
  • App Promotion: $1.75 per thousand impressions
  • Lead Generation: $1.75 per thousand impressions
  • Video Views: $2.1 per thousand impressions

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