Mistakes to avoid when creating a Google Shopping campaign

Google Shopping is an advertising platform from Google that allows businesses to promote products from their websites directly in Google search results.‍It allows the website owner to present his products with an image, a title, a price and a direct link to his product pages through the Google search engine. It is a great way to increase the visibility of your website and increase sales.‍However, it is important to know that there are some common mistakes to avoid when creating a campaign on Google Ads.‍In this article, we will look at these mistakes and give you tips on how to avoid them to maximize the effectiveness of your Google Ads campaign.

Mistake #1: Not optimizing product titles and descriptions

Not optimizing product titles and descriptions

When submitting your product catalog to Google Merchant Center, it is important to check the quality of the product data you send. Product titles and descriptions are important elements of your Google Shopping campaign. It is important to optimize them to include relevant keywords, detailed description and accurate product information.

Product titles and descriptions should be clear, concise and attractive to entice users to click on your ad. It's also important to note that product titles and descriptions must comply with Google's guidelines.

Tip: Before you start promoting your website, make sure to use relevant keywords in the product titles and descriptions to help Google better understand your product. Avoid misleading or inaccurate descriptions that could harm the quality of your listing. Also remember to choose your products carefully when you put your campaign online.

Error #2: Ignoring location settings

Ignoring location settings

Location settings are a crucial aspect of your Google Ads campaign. It is important to properly define the geographic area you want to target, based on your target market and delivery area.

If you don't properly define the geographic area you want to target, you can lose money by showing ads to users who are not interested in your products.

Tip: Properly define the geographic area you want to target based on your target market and delivery area. Use geolocation tools to help you determine the most suitable geographic area in which your website will be displayed.

Mistake #3: Not using the right campaign types

Not using the right campaign types

It is important to choose the right type of Google Shopping campaign according to your objectives.

On Google Ads, you have the choice between 2 types of campaigns: The Performance Max campaign or the Standard Shopping campaign.

The choice between a Performance Max campaign and a standard Shopping campaign depends on your advertising goals, your budget and your experience in managing advertising campaigns.

Here's a detailed explanation of both types of campaigns to help you choose the one that's best for your business.

Performance Max Campaign

The Performance Max campaign is a new automated campaign option offered by Google Ads. It aims to maximize the performance of your ads across all of Google's ad networks (Search, Display, YouTube, Discover and Gmail).

This campaign uses machine learning to optimize bids, ad placements, and targeting to get the best possible results based on your goals and ad budget.

Performance Max Campaign Benefits:

  • Automated management: The Performance Max campaign automatically manages bids, products shown, and ad placements to maximize your campaign's performance.
  • Extensive Coverage: With a Performance Max campaign, your ads are delivered across all of Google's ad networks, increasing your company's visibility and potential clicks.
  • Machine learning: Performance Max uses machine learning to optimize your campaign performance based on your goals and ad budget.

Disadvantages of the Performance Max campaign:

  • Limited control: Because the Performance Max campaign is automated, you have less control over specific aspects of the campaign, such as bids and ad placements.
  • Suitable for experienced advertisers: Performance Max can be more difficult to understand and manage for novice advertisers or those who want more granular control over their ad campaigns.

Standard Shopping Campaign

The standard Shopping campaign is the classic type of Google Shopping campaign. It allows you to run your product ads on the Google search network and on Google Shopping. With a standard Shopping campaign, you can customize bids, product groups and targeting settings to optimize your campaign's performance.

Advantages of the standard Shopping campaign:

  • Granular control: With a standard Shopping campaign, you have full control over bids, product groups and targeting settings, allowing you to optimize your campaign performance based on your goals and ad budget.
  • Suitable for novice advertisers: The standard Shopping campaign is easier to understand and manage for novice advertisers or those who want more granular control over their ad campaigns.

Disadvantages of the standard Shopping campaign:

  • Manual management: Unlike the Performance Max campaign, the standard Shopping campaign requires manual management of bids, products and ad placements, which can be more time consuming.
  • Limited coverage: The standard Shopping campaign only shows your ads on the Google search network and Google Shopping, which limits your company's visibility and potential clicks.

Tip: Choose the right type of Google Shopping campaign based on your goals and your experience managing ad campaigns. If you want an automated campaign that maximizes your campaign's performance across all of Google's ad networks, choose a Performance Max campaign. If you prefer more granular control over your bids and ad placements, and are willing to manually manage your campaign, a standard Shopping campaign is a better option.

Mistake #4: Not tracking campaign performance

Not tracking campaign performance

It is important to regularly monitor the performance of your Google Shopping campaign to know if it is effective or not. It's important to monitor key metrics such as click-through rate, conversion rate and cost per click. If you don't regularly track the performance of your campaign, you risk losing money by displaying ineffective ads.

Tip: Regularly monitor the performance of your Google Shopping campaign using Google Analytics or other tracking tools. Monitor key metrics such as click-through rate, conversion rate and cost per click.

Mistake #5: Not optimizing bids

Not optimizing bids

The mistake of not optimizing bids is one of the most common mistakes when creating a Google Shopping campaign. Bids are a key component of your Google Shopping campaign, as they determine how much you are willing to pay to have your ad shown.

If you don't set the bids correctly, you can lose money by displaying ineffective ads.

Bidding strategies on Google Shopping campaigns vary depending on the type of campaign you choose.

Here is a list of bidding strategies for Performance Max campaigns and standard Shopping campaigns available on Google Shopping.

Max. Performance Campaigns

Performance Max campaigns are automated, which means Google manages the bidding for you using machine learning to maximize your campaign's performance based on your goals and budget.

Bidding strategies for Performance Max campaigns include:

Target cost per share (tCPA)

This bidding strategy aims to generate as many conversions as possible while maintaining a target cost per action that you define.

Return on Target Advertising Spending (ROAS)

This bidding strategy optimizes your bids to get the best possible return on ad spend (ROAS), based on the target percentage you define.

Standard shopping campaigns:

Standard Shopping campaigns offer several bidding strategies that allow you to customize and optimize your bids based on your goals.

Bidding strategies for standard Shopping campaigns include:

Manual cost per click (CPC) auctions

This strategy allows you to manually set bids for each product group or individual product. This gives you full control over how much you are willing to pay for each click on your ads.

Improved cost-per-click (CPC) bidding

This strategy automatically adjusts your manual bids to increase the chances of getting clicks or conversions.

You always set a base bid, but Google can increase that bid by a certain percentage to improve your campaign's performance.

Target cost per share (tCPA)

Similar to Performance Max campaigns, this bidding strategy optimizes your bids to generate as many conversions as possible while maintaining a cost-per-action target that you define.

Return on Target Advertising Spending (ROAS)

Also available for standard Shopping campaigns, this bidding strategy optimizes your bids to get the best possible return on ad spend (ROAS) based on the target percentage you set.

Maximize clicks

This bidding strategy automates bid management to generate as many clicks as possible within your daily budget.

In summary, Performance Max campaigns offer automated bidding strategies focused on tCPA and tROAS, while standard Shopping campaigns offer a wider variety of bidding strategies, ranging from manual CPC bidding to automated strategies such as tCPA, tROAS and click maximization.

Tip: Choose your bidding strategy based on your campaign goals, your budget and the level of control you want to have over your bids.


‍conclusion about mistakes to avoid when creating a Google shopping campaign

To conclude, creating and managing a successful Google Shopping campaign can be a powerful lever to boost online sales and increase the visibility of your website.

However, it's essential to avoid common mistakes when creating your campaign, including ensuring quality product flow, choosing the right bidding strategy, optimizing campaign structure, accurate targeting and monitoring performance.

By taking the time to learn from common mistakes and putting into practice the tips and tricks shared in this blog post, you will be able to maximize the potential of your Google Shopping campaigns.

A thoughtful and proactive approach will not only help you avoid potential pitfalls, but also help you get the most out of your advertising investments and take your business to new heights.

Remember, the success of your Google Shopping campaigns depends on continuous improvement and regular data analysis. By staying on top of your campaign performance and adapting to changes in the marketplace, you'll be able to effectively optimize your advertising efforts and generate sustainable results for your business.

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