Why You Should Not Stop Your Google Ads Campaigns

Stop Google Ads campaigns risks performance; maintain minimal budget, adjust bids, seek expert help.

Since the expansion of the internet, Google Ads, formerly Google AdWords, has established itself as the world's largest advertising network. Most advertisers choose this platform, taking advantage of Google's dominance as a search engine. However, a recurring question among paid search specialists is whether to stop or maintain Google Ads campaigns with a minimal budget.

Avoid Stopping Your Google Ads Campaigns

In times of crisis, the impact on the economy can lead to reconsidering advertising strategies. Paid search, mirroring the economy, feels the effects of market fluctuations. A question arises: should we stop Google Ads campaigns, knowing it could disrupt Google's algorithms?

The Consequences of Suspending Campaigns

Completely cutting Google Ads budgets is risky. Without a budget, the platform cannot collect data, which paralyzes bidding algorithms. This lack of data can negatively impact performance and ad positioning.

The Effects of a Cut on Cost-Per-Click (CPC)

A sudden suspension leads to fluctuations in CPC. Upon reactivation, costs significantly increase before stabilizing. Our studies show a "yo-yo" effect in CPC following the resumption of campaigns after an interruption.

Alternatives to Not Cutting Campaigns

Maintain the Learning of the Algorithm

It's crucial not to interrupt Google Ads algorithm's learning process. Modifications such as reducing bids or adjusting the diffusion calendar can limit the impact on performance without stopping the learning process.

Strategies for Temporary Adjustment

For temporary changes, it's recommended to create a campaign draft, switch to manual CPC, and opt for a 90/10 split between manual and automatic. This method maintains the algorithm's activity.

Keep a Minimal Budget

Keeping a minimum budget ensures that ads stay online, thus guaranteeing continuous market visibility and useful data on user behavior.

Favor Bid Adjustments

Use Seasonality Adjustment

For Smart Bidding campaigns, seasonality adjustment is a valuable tool. It allows you to modify the desired conversion rate according to the period, without disrupting the algorithm's learning.

Avoid Sudden Changes

It's advised to avoid sudden changes in bidding strategies, as they can cancel the learning process and affect performance.


Stopping your Google Ads campaigns can have significant repercussions on advertising performance. It's better to maintain a minimal budget or adjust campaigns to avoid disturbing the algorithm. When in doubt, professional guidance is highly advised.

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