Live Shopping, the new fashionable sales channel

Live shopping is an online sales method where products are presented live to consumers. It's a fusion of e-commerce and entertainment, often compared to a modern version of teleshopping. Consumers can ask questions, interact with the presenter and make purchases in real time.



Live shopping originated in China, and has expanded rapidly thanks to the rise of video streaming platforms. Today, it's a multi-billion-dollar industry with considerable growth potential worldwide. Western markets are beginning to embrace the trend, as evidenced by the introduction of live shopping by e-commerce giants such as Amazon.


Understanding Live Shopping

Understanding Live Shopping


Here's how live shopping works in general:

1 - Live product presentation

Products are presented live via video. Presenters can be influencers, brand employees or celebrities. They demonstrate product use, share their opinions and answer questions in real time.


2 - Customer interaction

Consumers can interact directly with the presenter, asking questions and getting instant answers. This creates a more engaging and personalized shopping experience.


3 - Purchasing process

The products presented can be purchased directly from the live shopping platform. Consumers can often take advantage of exclusive promotions or discounts during the live event.


The main players in live shopping are:

Brands and retailers

Companies are using live shopping as a new sales channel to reach their target audience. It offers a unique opportunity to demonstrate products in action and communicate directly with consumers.


Influencers and presenters

These individuals play a crucial role in engaging consumers during live shopping sessions. Their personality, credibility and the way they present products can greatly influence purchasing decisions.


Live shopping platforms

They provide the technology and infrastructure needed to organize live shopping events. Some of the most popular platforms include Taobao Live in China and Amazon Live in the USA.


Advantages and challenges of Live Shopping

Advantages and challenges of Live Shopping


The main advantages of live shopping are

For consumers

Live shopping offers an interactive, personalized shopping experience. Consumers can see products in action, ask questions and get instant answers. This can help eliminate the uncertainties associated with online shopping and increase confidence in the product.


For sellers

Live shopping enables brands to connect directly with their customers, increase their reach and engagement, and offer a live demonstration of their products. It also enables brands to receive real-time feedback on their products.


Here is a list of the main challenges identified:

Technical problems

Live streaming quality is essential for a good live shopping experience. Any technical problems, such as poor signal, stream interruptions or poor image quality, can adversely affect the shopping experience.


Consumer engagement management

Keeping consumers engaged throughout live shopping can be a challenge. It requires a dynamic presenter and constant interaction.


Sales conversion

Turning consumer engagement into actual purchases is another challenge. You need to balance entertaining content with effective product promotion to drive sales.


Impact of Live Shopping

Impact of Live Shopping


In the e-commerce industry, live shopping is transforming the e-commerce landscape, providing a new platform for brands and changing the way consumers shop online. It adds a social and interactive dimension to e-commerce.


In terms of consumer purchasing behavior, live shopping encourages impulse buying by offering limited offers and stimulating excitement through live interaction. It is also changing consumers' expectations of online shopping, as they increasingly seek personalized, interactive experiences.


On marketing and advertising, live shopping offers a new form of marketing and advertising that is more interactive and engaging. It offers brands the opportunity to present their products in detail and communicate directly with their customers, while gathering valuable data on consumer preferences and behaviors.


Future prospects for Live Shopping

Future prospects for Live Shopping


Technological advances could change the way live shopping is carried out. For example, augmented reality could enable consumers to virtually try on products during the live experience. Future trends could also include greater personalization, with live shopping sessions specifically targeted at precise market segments.


Potential growth and market opportunities

Live shopping is still at a relatively early stage in many markets, which means that there is considerable potential for growth. Brands that embrace this trend early can position themselves as leaders and win significant market share.


Implications for consumers, retailers and marketers

Live shopping may change the way consumers shop, how retailers sell their products and how marketers communicate with their audiences. Implications could include an increased expectation of interactivity and personalization, a shift in sales and marketing strategies, and greater use of influencers as salespeople.


Case studies

Case studies


Successful live shopping in China

Live shopping has become extremely popular in China, where it has become a major sales channel for many brands. One notable example is Taobao Live, which has generated billions of dollars in sales.


The case of live shopping in Western markets

Western markets are just beginning to embrace live shopping. Amazon Live is an example of this trend, with brands and influencers hosting live shopping sessions on the platform.




Live shopping is a major trend in e-commerce, offering an interactive and engaging shopping experience. While there are challenges, the potential for growth is considerable. Live shopping is likely to become an increasingly important aspect of e-commerce in the future. It offers opportunities for brands to connect directly with their customers, and for consumers to have a more personalized and interactive shopping experience.


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