Google Sets New Deadlines for Adopting Consent Mode

Google's new 2024 deadlines for Consent Mode, affecting privacy and advertising.

2024: A Key Year for Data Privacy and Advertising Technology

Evolving Regulations and Technologies

In 2024, significant changes are expected in the realm of data privacy. Regulations such as GDPR, DMA, DSA, and CNIL's updated cookie guidelines are becoming increasingly relevant.

Technology is evolving in parallel, especially with the end of third-party cookies in Chrome and other major browsers. Apple is enhancing its privacy policy with initiatives like ITP and ATT.

Necessary Preparations Before March 2024

Actions for Advertisers and Publishers

To comply with new privacy standards, it's essential to start the year by collecting user consent through Google's Consent Management Platforms (CMP) and adhering to EU regulations.

  • In the European Economic Area (EEA): Implement Consent Mode before March 6, 2024, to automatically transmit consent signals to Google's advertising platforms. This enables the recovery of approximately 65% of non-consenting advertising click paths.
  • At the International Level: Use Enhanced Conversions to access more accurate conversion data. This feature provides an in-depth view of the customer journey.
  • For Offline Data: Update Google's APIs and SDKs before March 6, 2024, to transmit consent signals for offline data.
  • For Online and Offline Data: Migrating to Google Analytics 4 is crucial for remarketing and bid optimization, with a migration deadline set for June 30, 2024.

Why Adopting Consent Mode and Enhanced Conversions is Essential?

Consent Mode: Accuracy and Privacy Respect

Consent Mode is a solution that allows advertisers to respect privacy while recovering lost conversions. It adjusts Google tags based on user consent, thereby preserving privacy and improving conversion accuracy.

Enhanced Conversions: Precise Conversion Measurement

Enhanced Conversions improve the measurement of conversions using secure encryption to protect client data. It allows for accurate comparison with Google's login data, offering a comprehensive view of advertising performance.

GA4: An Essential Tool for Measurement and Compliance

Adapting to Evolving Needs

GA4 is indispensable for businesses aiming to comply with privacy regulations. It offers more precise measurement of user behavior and transforms data into actionable insights with advanced features like predictive analytics.

Regulatory Compliance with GA4

GA4 helps businesses comply with laws such as the CCPA, through automatic data deletion, IP address anonymization, and the ability to delete user data on demand.


Adopting Consent Mode and Enhanced Conversions, along with migrating to GA4, is essential for advertisers seeking to respect privacy while effectively measuring advertising performance. These tools not only offer regulatory compliance but also a more precise and privacy-conscious view in the digital era.

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