Black Friday: the myth of the exceptional promotion?

Black Friday: More Than Just Deals. This article delves into the essence of Black Friday, analyzing the reality behind promotions and advising e-retailers on effective strategies. It explores the event's history, marketing impact, and actual consumer savings, highlighting the importance of authenticity in offers and the use of analytics for targeted campaigns.

Black Friday has become an unmissable event for consumers and merchants around the world. But behind the excitement of good deals are there really exceptional promotions? This article demystifies the concept of Black Friday and explores the reality of the offers offered, while giving advice to e-retailers to optimize their advertising strategies during this event.


Genesis of Black Friday: between tradition and marketing

  • Brief history of Black Friday and its evolution
  • The impact of marketing and media in the perception of Black Friday
  • Statistics on the increase in sales and online traffic during this event

Analysis of promotions: reality or illusion?

  • Methods retailers use to create a “bargain” impression
  • Price comparison before and during Black Friday
  • Testimonials and case studies on the real savings made by consumers

Strategies for e-retailers: stand out during Black Friday

  • Importance of authenticity and transparency in promotions
  • Tips for creating truly beneficial offers for consumers
  • Using data and analytics tools to personalize campaigns and maximize profits


Black Friday is a complex phenomenon that goes beyond simple price reductions. For e-retailers, it represents an opportunity to strengthen customer loyalty and increase sales, provided they play the honesty card and offer real promotions. By taking a strategic approach and leveraging accurate data, brands can turn the myth of exceptional promotion into a profitable reality.

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