The rules to follow to validate your Merchant Center account

The Merchant Center is a crucial interface designed by Google to help online merchants centralize and manage their products. It serves as a hub for uploading product information, prices, and other essential details for Google Shopping ads and other related services. Due to the growing popularity of researching online before purchasing, many consumers are turning to Google to find products. Thus, for merchants, the Merchant Center is a valuable tool to increase their visibility and reach a massive audience.

However, as with most Google services, there are standards and guidelines to follow. Having an unverified Merchant Center account is like having a race car without putting it on the track. You have access to a powerful tool, but without validation, you cannot fully exploit its benefits. Validation not only ensures that you follow Google's guidelines, but it also builds trust between you, Google, and your potential customers. It serves to assure users that your store is legitimate, reliable and meets certain quality standards.

Understanding Merchant Center requirements

Understanding Merchant Center requirements

Before diving into the world of Merchant Center, there are basic requirements that every merchant must understand and respect:

Have a valid Google account:

This may seem obvious, but having a Google account is essential to access the Merchant Center. This account will be the basis of your identity on the platform and will connect any other Google services you might use, such as Google Ads. Make sure the Google account you use is secure, active, and regularly verified to avoid any potential issues.

Have a functional and accessible online store:

Google takes its user experience very seriously. So, before you can use the Merchant Center, you must have a functioning online store. It should be easily navigable, accessible without major errors, and provide a positive user experience. Additionally, your online store should clearly display return policies, contact information, and secure payment methods. All this to assure your potential customers ua seamless and hassle-free shopping experience.

Fundamental rules for account validation

Fundamental rules for account validation

Company Information

Every business that wants to present itself in front of millions of users must ensure transparency and authenticity. On the Merchant Center, it starts with providing accurate business information.

  • Accuracy and update: It's crucial to ensure that your business information is both accurate and regularly updated. This includes name, address, telephone number, email address and other relevant details. Incorrect or outdated information can lead to trust issues with customers and Google itself.
  • Address validation: Google may ask you to verify your business address to ensure its authenticity. This can be done through various methods, such as verification by mail, telephone or email. Validation builds your business’s credibility in the eyes of Google and customers.

Store Settings

Accurate store details are essential to ensure a consistent and seamless user experience.

  • Currency and country of sale: Setting up the currency and country of sale correctly is essential to avoid any confusion or misunderstanding with customers. This also ensures that your ads are displayed to the appropriate audience.
  • Return and Refund Policy: A clearly stated and easily accessible returns policy assures customers that if there are any problems or dissatisfaction, they have options. This builds trust and can improve conversion rates.

Compliance with Google policy

Just like a physical store has rules, Google also has guidelines for products and ads on its platform.

  • Advertising policies: Before posting ads, familiarize yourself with Google's advertising policies. This includes rules on clarity, precision, and the type of content that can be advertised.
  • Product conformity: Google has a list of banned or restricted products, such as restricted items, dangerous substances or counterfeit products. Make sure any products you advertise comply with these guidelines to avoid penalties.

Properly configure your product feed

Properly configure your product feed

Using unique identifiers

These identifiers ensure that each product is unique and easily identifiable.

  • GTIN, MPN, and the brand: These identifiers (Global Item Number, Manufacturer Part Number and Brand) help to classify and distinctly identify each product. They are crucial for product SEO and avoid duplication.

Clear and precise description of the products

Descriptions are the customer’s first introduction to your product.

  • Clarity: Descriptions should be detailed, without being overloaded. Every word must provide value, informing the customer about the features and benefits of the product.

High quality images

Appearance matters a lot online, where customers can't physically see or touch the product.

  • Clarity and relevance: Images should be sharp, well lit, and show the product from different angles, if possible.
  • Respect of copyright: Make sure you have the rights to any images you use to avoid legal problems.

Up-to-date pricing and availability

Consistency is the key to gaining and maintaining customer trust.

  • Price consistency: Make sure the price displayed in the Merchant Center matches the price on your website. Inconsistencies can lead to disillusionment and abandoned carts.
  • Stock availability: Clearly indicate whether a product is in stock, out of stock, or available for pre-order. Customers need to know when they can expect to receive their purchase.

By following these guidelines and ensuring every aspect is addressed correctly, merchants can not only validate their Merchant Center account but also maximize their success on the platform.

Ensuring a quality user experience

Ensuring a quality user experience

The first impression is often the last, especially in today's fast-paced digital world. Providing a solid user experience is essential to ensuring that visitors return to your site and become loyal customers.

Fast site loading time

Patience is a rare virtue these days. A site that takes a long time to load can frustrate users and cause them to leave before even browsing your products.

  • Importance of speed: A fast loading time ensures a smooth experience for the user, reducing the chances of them abandoning the cart and increasing the chances of conversion.

Secure site

Security is a major concern for online customers. They need to know that their personal and financial information is in safe hands.

  • Protocole HTTPS : Using HTTPS shows that your site is encrypted and user data is protected from possible threats.

c. Navigation intuitive :
A well-structured site makes it easy for users to find what they are looking for, improving their overall experience.

  • Clear structure: Well-defined categories, relevant filters, and an efficient search engine ensure that users can easily navigate and find the products they want.

Meet technical requirements

Meet technical requirements

Beyond user experience, there are technical elements that Google looks at to validate a Merchant Center account.

Configuring domains

Your domain ownership should be verified to ensure the authenticity of your store.

  • Domain verification: This is usually done through Google Search Console and proves that you are the owner of the site you claim to manage.

Shipping and Tax Settings

These details not only influence purchasing decisions but are also essential in providing complete transparency to customers.

  • Prices and exact information: Be sure to provide accurate shipping rates for each region or country you serve. Additionally, tax information must be updated based on local and state laws.


Google Merchant Center is a powerful tool for online merchants. But like any platform, it comes with its set of rules and requirements. Compliance with these guidelines not only ensures that you can advertise through Google, but it also strengthens your credibility and trustworthiness in the eyes of potential customers.

By investing the time and effort to properly validate and optimize your account, you position yourself not only for success on Google but also to earn the trust and loyalty of your customers. Ultimately, a well-managed Merchant Center account provides a significant competitive advantage in the ever-changing e-commerce landscape.

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