Optimizing Your Media Performance with Google Consent Mode v2: A Comprehensive Guide

Google Consent Mode v2 introduces critical updates for users in the EEA to maintain media performance with Google Ads. It offers new consent parameters (ad_user_data, ad_personalization) and modes (Advanced and Basic Consent Mode), essential for compliance with the Digital Markets Act by March 2024.

Introduction : Google's New Features in Consent Mode v2

Google's New Features in Consent Mode v2In late 2023, Google introduced significant updates to Google Consent Mode (GCM), particularly for users in the European Economic Area (EEA). The new version, GCM v2, incorporates critical features like new consent parameters (ad_user_data, ad_personalization) and modes (Basic and Advanced Consent Mode). These updates are essential to maintain media performance with Google Ads, with actions required before March 2024.

Understanding Google Consent Mode

Google Consent Mode is a mechanism that adjusts the behavior of Google tags and SDKs (Google Analytics 4, Google Ads, Floodlight, Conversion Linker) based on user consent. It allows Google to compensate for conversion data gaps when users have not consented, using modeling.

What's New in Google Ads?

Google Ads now includes two additional consent parameters:

  • ad_user_data: Use of user data for advertising purposes
  • ad_personalization: Personalization of advertisements

Also introduced are two modes for adjusting the behavior of Google tags and SDKs:

  • Advanced Consent Mode
  • Basic Consent Mode

Compliance and Actions to Take

These updates stem from Google's need to comply with the Digital Markets Act (DMA) legislation by March 6, 2024. Implementing these new consent signals by March 2024 is crucial.

This can be done through:

  • A compatible GCM v2 Consent Management Platform (CMP): Didomi, Cookie Consent, etc.
  • Google Tag Manager for Google tags (Ads and Analytics)
  • Directly in the site's code via Google tag (gtag.js)
  • Google SDK for mobile applications

Failure to implement these changes will restrict the use of data collected in Europe for Google Ads audience features, like remarketing.

New Consent Signals in Google Consent Mode v2 for Google Ads

With GCM v2, Google introduces more granular consent options beyond the previous ad_storage parameter. This granularity allows users to specify their preferences for sharing data (ad_user_data) and for retargeting with personalized ads (ad_personalization).

If ad_user_data or ad_personalization are denied or not sent, it impacts the use of audience functionalities on Google Ads.

New Consent Modes and Recommendations

Google's Advanced Consent Mode optimizes the signals sent to Google Ads, enhancing conversion and conversion rate visibility through modeling. This mode is recommended if GDPR compliance and data protection policies permit, as it maximizes performance for Google Ads acquisition.

In Basic Consent Mode, Google tags/SDKs are blocked until the user gives positive consent. Only consented data is used for user behavior modeling in this mode, which is less accurate than Advanced Consent Mode.

Google Consent Mode v2 for Google Analytics?

Currently, it's advised to consider GCM v2 as applicable only to Google Ads and advertising signals sent via Google Analytics, pending further official documentation from Google.

Sending Consent Signals to Google

Technical analysis reveals changes in how consent signals are sent to Google Ads and Analytics. The introduction of a new parameter, gcd, alongside the existing gcs, in Consent Mode v2, is crucial for transmitting all consent signals, including the newly introduced ad_user_data and ad_personalization.

Our Advice

For users without a CMP, implementing one is necessary for using Google Ads or Analytics. For those with a CMP but without Consent Mode, updating to GCM v2 is essential to continue using Google Ads' audience features post-March 2024.

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