Optimize Your Online Shopping: 4 Essential Tools

Discover 4 Google tools for regret-free shopping: price comparison, in-depth research for complex purchases, typical price checking, and virtual try-on. These features provide informed choices, preventing buyer's remorse.

Discover how these innovative tools can transform your online shopping experience and eliminate buyer's remorse.

1. Price Comparison Analysis

Did You Know? 53% of consumers believe that comparing prices among different retailers is crucial to avoid buyer's remorse. Google's price comparison feature allows users to check prices from different sellers, thus offering the chance to find the best deals.

Use the price comparison to save on every purchase.

2. In-Depth Research for Complex Purchases

47% of shoppers think that thorough research can prevent buyer's remorse. Google Search Labs' Search Generative Experience (SGE) feature offers an overview of important aspects to consider, making comparisons easier for more complex purchases.

Discover SGE for informed purchase choices.

3. Checking Typical Market Prices

A quarter of consumers want to know if the price of a product is high, average, or low compared to the market standard. Google's price analysis tool provides this information, showing price trends and comparisons with other retailers.

Consult the price analysis tool for wise decisions.

4. Virtual Try-On Before Buying

55% of online apparel shoppers return items because they do not meet their expectations. Google's new virtual try-on tool allows you to visualize clothing on different models, offering a better idea of their real appearance.

Experience virtual try-on for confident purchases.


These online shopping tools are designed to help you make thoughtful and satisfying purchases. The next time you feel the impulse to buy, consider using these resources for a regret-free shopping experience.

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