Maximize your traffic with Google Ads' New Search Themes

Excitement is buzzing in the digital marketing world! Google has just unleashed a game-changer for advertisers: the beta feature "search themes" within Performance Max campaigns. This innovative tool is your ticket to pushing the boundaries of your ad reach, potentially tapping into untapped markets with ease.

What's New with Search Themes?

Performance Max has been the secret sauce, analyzing your assets and landing pages to predict top-performing spots for your ads. Now, with search themes, you can fill in the blanks by feeding Google's AI with insights about your business, which you believe could spike your performance. Imagine merging your business acumen with Google's powerful AI to broaden your exposure across all channels, including the ever-crucial Search Network.

Why Search Themes Could Be Your New Best Friend

Search themes step in where:

  • Your landing page isn't fully decked out with the latest info on your offerings.
  • You're breaking ground in new markets or launching new products/services without a solid campaign performance history.
  • There's a fresh promo on the horizon for the holiday season, and you're lacking in-depth performance history.
  • You aim to blanket Performance Max coverage, hitting all crucial commercial themes.

By implementing search themes, you're directing Google's AI to target this traffic across the full spectrum of Google Ads inventory, boosting your visibility on the Search Network, YouTube, Gmail, Discover, Maps, and the Display network.

How Does It Work?

How Does It Work?

Here's the lowdown:

  • Add up to 25 search themes per asset group.
  • Search themes honor your brand exclusions and account-level keyword exclusions.
  • Traffic steered by search themes will land on the URLs you specify in your campaign settings.
  • These themes will play on the same field as exact phrases and broad query keywords in your Search Network campaigns.

Real-world Example

Let's say you're running a Performance Max campaign to boost ticket sales for a museum with a kid-friendly outdoor space. If your website isn't spotlighting this feature, your ad coverage could be narrow. Enter search themes. By adding themes like "children's activities" and "outdoor fun," you'll be targeting customers precisely when they seek out those interests across various channels.

What's on the Horizon?

Hold tight, because come early 2024, Google will transition your existing custom search-based segments into search themes. This switch means no more adding or tweaking custom segments based on search history in Performance Max campaigns—though interest-based custom segments will remain at your disposal.

Parting Thoughts

Parting Thoughts

Following pilot tester feedback, Google will soon offer enhanced search term insights and advice on search themes, helping you to grasp the outcomes and impacts more clearly.

So, gear up, marketers! It's time to amplify your ad campaigns with a sprinkle of search theme magic and watch your traffic soar to new heights! 🚀

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