Criteria for showing product reviews on Google Shopping

With the growing importance of online commerce, consumer confidence is often based on reviews left by other customers. Google, the most widely used search engine in the world, has also recognized the value of these reviews and incorporates them into its results pages. But how do you get these product reviews to show up on Google? This article details the essential criteria to take into account for your reviews to appear on the platform.

Use a review system recognized by Google

It is imperative that the review system you use is recognized and approved by Google. This guarantees the veracity and legitimacy of the opinions collected. To learn more about the most effective e-commerce solutions, see our article on the 5 best e-commerce solutions for customer reviews verified by Google.

Have a sufficient volume of reviews and meet the specific criteria

Have a sufficient volume of reviews and meet the specific criteria

Google does not consider products with only one or two reviews. However, for seller ratings to show up in Search Network campaigns, several criteria must be met:

  • In the past 12 months, Google must have received or collected enough unique reviews for a specific country, either through Google Customer Reviews or its third-party review partners. Although the exact number of reviews may vary, most merchants achieve a rating after collecting at least 100 qualifying reviews.
  • An evaluation of your site must have been carried out either by Google or by its partners as part of a study.
  • The overall average rating should be at least 3.5 stars for text ads, although Google may sometimes display seller ratings when the rating is lower.
  • The URL domain visible in the ad must match the domain for which the reviews were received.
  • Customer reviews from a specific country only contribute to the rating of the business in that same country.

Also note that seller ratings may not display if the underlying reviews are irrelevant to the subject of the ad.

Technical integration of reviews

In order for Google to read and index reviews, it is essential that these reviews are technically embedded on your site via tags. These tags structure the information in such a way that it is easily accessible and understandable for search engines. Find out how integrate and maximize the effectiveness of reviews verified by Google in our dedicated guide.

Comply with Google guidelines

As with any interaction with Google, it is essential to follow the guidelines and policies of the platform. This includes authenticity of reviews, non-purchase of reviews, and freedom from deceptive practices. Violations may result in removal of your reviews or other penalties.

Ensure the quality of review content

Ensure the quality of review content

Although Google cannot assess the "quality" of a review like a human being, it can identify duplicate content, very short or non-value added reviews. It is therefore essential to ensure that the opinions left by your customers are truly informative and relevant.


Getting product reviews to appear on Google isn't a simple task, but it's crucial for trust and conversion. By following these criteria and ensuring the quality and authenticity of your reviews, you will not only strengthen your online presence, but also your reputation with consumers.

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