Comparison between Google Ads and Facebook Ads in 2023

Since the emergence of online platforms such as Google and Facebook, online advertising has grown exponentially.‍These companies have developed sophisticated tools to enable advertisers to target their audiences and maximize the effectiveness of their ad campaigns. In 2023, Facebook and Google advertising continue to be the two heavyweights of the digital advertising industry, and advertisers often find it difficult to choose between the two.‍This article aims to compare the main differences between Google Ads and Facebook Ads, in order to help advertisers make informed decisions about which advertising platform is best suited to their needs and develop winning strategies for their online campaigns.

Audience targeting

Audience targeting

One of the main differences between Google Ads and Facebook Ads is the way both platforms target their audience.

Google or Facebook?

Google Ads, formerly known as Google AdWords, is primarily focused on keyword targeting. Advertisers choose keywords that are relevant to their business, and their ads are served when people search for those terms.

This approach allows advertisers to reach users when they are actively looking for similar products or services, which can lead to higher conversion rates.

Facebook Ads, on the other hand, focuses on demographic and behavioral targeting. Using data collected on users, Facebook allows advertisers to target audiences based on criteria such as age, gender, location, interests and shopping behaviors.

This allows advertisers to deliver more personalized and relevant ads to their audience, which can increase engagement and brand awareness.


Google Ads keyword targeting:

Google Ads' keyword targeting is most effective for advertisers looking to reach users with a specific purchase intent. This is because ads are served based on the keywords that users type into the search engine.

This allows advertisers to target users who are actively searching for specific products or services, increasing the chances of conversion.

Facebook Ads' demographic and behavioral targeting:

Facebook Ads' demographic and behavioral targeting is best suited for businesses looking to build brand awareness and reach specific audiences based on their interests.

Advertisers can target users based on age, gender, location, but also based on their interests and online behaviors. This allows advertisers to reach larger audiences who may be responsive to their advertising message.

Advertising formats

Advertising formats

Both platforms offer a variety of ad formats to meet the needs of advertisers, although the options differ significantly.

Google Ads offers several types of ads, including text ads, display ads (banners), video ads and Shopping ads. Text ads typically appear on Google's search results pages, while display, video and shopping ads appear on partner and participating partner websites.

Facebook Ads, meanwhile, offers a range of ad formats tailored to the platform's News Feed, stories and video content. Advertisers can use images, videos, slideshows, carousels and collections to promote their products and services to Facebook, Instagram and Messenger users.


Google Ads offers a variety of advertising formats

Google Ads offers a wide variety of advertising formats, including text and display ads. Text ads are displayed at the top of Google search results when users type in specific keywords.

Display ads, on the other hand, are displayed on Google's partner websites. These ad formats are tailored to reach audiences when they are searching for specific products or services, or when they are browsing partner websites.

Facebook Ads offers attractive and engaging ad formats

Facebook Ads offers compelling and engaging ad formats that take advantage of the platform's unique social and visual features. Advertisers can serve ads in the form of videos, slideshows, image carousels and canvas ads.

These ad formats allow advertisers to connect in a more authentic and personalized way with their audience, using visual elements and social features such as likes, comments and shares.

Cost and budget

Cost and budget

Cost and budget are key factors for advertisers when deciding between Google Ads and Facebook Ads.

Detailed costs on Google Ads

Google Ads operates on a bidding model, where advertisers determine how much they are willing to pay for each click (cost per click or CPC) or for 1000 impressions (cost per thousand or CPM).

Advertisers can also set daily budgets to limit their spending. In general, the cost of a Google Ads campaign depends on several variables, including the competition for the target keywords, the industry and the quality of the campaign.

Detailed costs on Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads also offers a bidding system for advertisers, who can choose between CPC, CPM or cost-per-action (CPA) bidding.

Advertisers can set a daily or global budget for their campaigns and can adjust their bids based on the performance of their ads.


While costs vary depending on industry, targeting and competition, on average, the cost of advertising on Google Ads is generally slightly higher than Facebook Ads.

Both platforms allow advertisers to control their budget and optimize their campaigns according to their objectives and their return on investment (ROI).

Reports and analysis :

Reports and analysis

Reports available in Google Ads

Google Ads, formerly known as Google AdWords, is an online advertising platform that allows advertisers to run ads in Google's search and display networks.

The platform offers various reports that allow advertisers to track and analyze their advertising performance. Here are some of the most commonly used reports in Google Ads:

Campaign Performance Report:

Campaign Performance Report

Using the Campaign Performance Report in Google Ads, advertisers can easily see how their ad campaigns are performing and how they can be improved.

This report provides detailed information on the performance of campaigns, ad groups and keywords, including the number of impressions, clicks, conversions and cost per click (CPC).

Advertisers can also identify ad campaigns that are not performing well and improve them by adjusting offers, target audiences or rewriting ads.

In addition to this, the campaign performance report can help advertisers better understand their target audience, identifying the keywords and ads that generate the most clicks and conversions. Advertisers can also see how people are interacting with their ads, how much time they spend on their website and which pages they visit.

Conversion Report:

Conversion Report

Conversion reporting in Google Ads is a powerful tool for advertisers looking to measure the effectiveness of their ads against defined conversion goals. Conversion goals can vary depending on the advertiser's needs, such as sales, registrations, downloads or any other action the advertiser wants users to take on their website.

The Conversion Report provides advertisers with detailed conversion information, including total conversions, cost per conversion and conversion rate. This information allows advertisers to measure their return on investment and determine the most effective advertising campaigns.

Using the conversion report, advertisers can also identify the campaigns and keywords that generate the most conversions and optimize them to improve results. For example, if an ad campaign is generating a lot of clicks but few conversions, the advertiser can adjust the bids for the best-performing keywords or modify the landing page content to increase the conversion rate.

Ad Position Report:

Ad Position Report

The Google Ads Position Report is a useful tool for advertisers looking to understand how their ads are ranking in Google's search results and how they are performing based on that position. The report provides information on the average ad position, the percentage of impressions and clicks generated for each position and the average cost per click (CPC) for each position.

Using the Ad Position Report, advertisers can determine which positions work best for their ads and adjust their bids accordingly to achieve those positions.

For example, if an ad performs better when displayed in the first position, the advertiser can increase their bid for that specific position to get a higher position and potentially generate more clicks and conversions.

The ad position report can also help advertisers determine trends in ad performance over time. By monitoring position and performance variations, advertisers can adjust their ad strategies to maximize their ROI.

Search Term Report:

Search Term Report

The Search Terms Report in Google Ads is a valuable tool for advertisers looking to understand how users find their ads and optimize their ad campaigns.

The report reveals the actual search terms that users used to view and click on ads, allowing advertisers to better understand the relevant keywords for their ads.

Using the Search Terms Report, advertisers can identify the top performing search terms and add them as keywords in their ad campaigns to increase their visibility and click-through rate. Similarly, advertisers can exclude irrelevant or ineffective search terms to reduce advertising costs and improve the relevance of their ads.

The search term report can also help advertisers understand how users perceive their products or services by examining the search terms they use. Advertisers can use this information to adjust their landing page content to better meet users' needs and expectations.

Reports available in Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads is an advertising platform that allows businesses to run ads on Facebook, Instagram and the Audience Network.

The Facebbok platform offers a variety of reports to help advertisers analyze and optimize their ad campaigns. Here are some examples of reports available in Facebook Ads:

Performance Dashboard:

Performance Dashboard

The Facebook Ads Performance Dashboard is a tool that allows advertisers to track and analyze the results of their Facebook ad campaigns. It provides real-time data on the performance of each ad, each ad group and each campaign, allowing advertisers to optimize their campaigns based on the results.

Facebook's performance dashboard includes several key performance indicators (KPIs) such as cost per click (CPC), cost per action (CPA), click-through rate (CTR), conversion rate, return on investment (ROI) and total campaign cost.

Advertisers can also use the performance dashboard to track the performance of their target audiences and ad placements. They can view performance by various criteria such as age, gender, geographic location, interests, etc.

Conversion Report:

Conversion Report

The Facebook Ads Conversion Report is a performance tracking tool that allows advertisers to understand how their ad campaigns are generating conversions and measure the ROI of their ad spend.

The conversions report provides data on the actions users took after clicking on a Facebook or Instagram ad. These actions may include purchases, sign-ups, app downloads, or any other action the advertiser has planned.

Advertisers can use the Conversion Report to track the performance of their ad campaigns based on several metrics, such as cost per conversion, conversion rate, total number of conversions and ROI.

Advertisers can also use Facebook's conversion report to optimize their ad campaigns. They can identify which ads generate the most conversions and which audiences are most likely to convert. They can also adjust bids and budgets based on the performance of each ad.

Demographic Report:

Demographic Distribution Report

The Demographic Report is a tool available on Facebook Ads that allows advertisers to understand the audience for their ad campaigns based on various demographics such as age, geographic location, language and other characteristics.

The Demographic Report provides advertisers with valuable information about the makeup of their audience and allows them to better understand the characteristics of their target audience. Advertisers can use this information to tailor their advertising content to the preferences and interests of their target audience.

Demographic data can also be used to optimize the performance of advertising campaigns. Advertisers can identify the age groups, genders or geographic regions that have the highest conversion rates and use them to target their ads more effectively.

In addition, the Demographic Report provides advertisers with insight into the performance of their ad campaigns by various demographics.

Advertisers can adjust their advertising strategy based on the results and optimize their advertising to reach their target audience more effectively.

Ad Placement Report:

Ad Placement Report

The Ad Placement Report is a tool available on Facebook Ads that allows advertisers to understand where their ads have been running on the Facebook platform and how they have performed.

The Ad Placement report provides information about the different ad placements available on Facebook, such as News Feed, Stories, Videos, Right Ads,. It also provides performance data for each location, including click-through rates, cost per click, conversion rates and ROI.

Advertisers can use this information to optimize their ad campaigns based on the performance of different ad placements. For example, they can adjust their advertising strategies based on which locations have the highest conversion rates or lowest cost per click.

The ad placement report can also help advertisers better understand their audience and tailor their ad content to their target audience's preferences.

For example, if an advertiser sees that their ads are performing primarily in Facebook stories, they can tailor their ad content to make them more appealing to users who primarily view stories.


Comparison between Google Ads and Facebook Ads

While both advertising platforms offer different types of reports to help advertisers analyze and optimize their campaigns, there are some key differences between the reports available in Google Ads and Facebook Ads.

Google Ads focuses more on keywords and search terms, while Facebook Ads focuses on user demographics and behavioral data.

Ad position reports in Google Ads are platform specific, as they relate to the position of ads in search results. Facebook Ads does not offer a similar report, as ad placement is more dependent on context and format.

The conversion reports in both platforms are similar, but the conversion goals may differ slightly depending on the specifics of each platform.

Google Ads and Facebook Ads offer a variety of reports that allow advertisers to track and analyze their advertising performance.

The reports available in each platform are slightly different based on the unique characteristics of each platform, but advertisers can use these reports to optimize their campaigns and achieve their conversion goals.

Combine Google Ads and Facebook Ads to maximize results

Combine Google Ads and Facebook Ads to maximize results

Combining Google Ads and Facebook Ads is an increasingly popular strategy for maximizing the results of online advertising campaigns.

This multi-channel approach offers several benefits, including greater reach and visibility, allowing advertisers to reach a larger and more diverse audience.

Reaching different audiences

One of the main advantages of this multi-channel approach is the ability to reach different audiences on each platform. Google Ads targets users based on their searches, while Facebook Ads targets users based on their social media profiles and behavior. By combining these two approaches, advertisers can reach a wider audience and maximize their results.

Maximizing results

Consistency and optimization are also key to maximizing the results of combined campaigns. It is important to ensure that the message, visuals and targeting are consistent across both platforms to enhance the impact of the ad campaign.

In addition, campaigns on each platform should be optimized for specific objectives, such as lead generation, online sales or brand awareness.

Keeping track of your performance

To measure the performance of combined campaigns, it's important to have the right tracking and analytics tools in place. Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel and other conversion tracking tools allow you to measure the effectiveness of campaigns and adjust strategy accordingly.

By analyzing performance data, advertisers can identify the strengths and weaknesses of each platform and optimize their advertising investments.


Conclusion about comparison between Google Ads and

In 2023, Google Ads and Facebook Ads are powerful and complementary tools for businesses looking to promote their products and services online.

The measurement and reporting capabilities offered by these platforms allow advertisers to track and optimize their campaigns in real time, based on accurate key performance indicators and demographics.

Ultimately, the choice between Google Ads and Facebook Ads will depend on the company's goals, budget and target demographic. However, for optimal results, it is recommended to use a multi-channel approach combining both platforms to maximize the reach and effectiveness of the advertising campaigns.

To stay competitive, companies must also be aware of trends and developments in digital marketing, such as the growing importance of personalization and targeting, and the evolution of ad formats. By adapting to these changes, companies can take full advantage of the opportunities offered by Google Ads and Facebook Ads in 2023 and beyond.

Solutions such as allows to facilitate the implementation, the follow-up and the optimization of Google Ads and Facebook Ads. The solution integrates a simplified interface allowing a considerable saving of time on the various aspects mentioned in this article.

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