Common mistakes to avoid when creating a Google product feed

Perhaps you're looking for a quick and easy way to boost sales for your business? Google Shopping is a great addition for brands looking to increase their online revenue.Creating a product catalog for Google can be a great strategy to increase your sales.

By creating an accurate catalog, you can attract more customers to your website on a consistent basis. However, if you don't take the time to create a quality catalog, you can lose money and time.

Here are the common mistakes to avoid when creating a product catalog for Google Shopping.


Mistake #1: Not following the Google Shopping product catalog requirements


Not following the Google Shopping product catalog requirements


Google Shopping is one of the most popular ways to buy products online. For e-merchants, it is essential to understand the requirements of the Google Shopping catalog to be valid and visible on the platform.


Here are some of the requirements of the Google Shopping product catalog:


Product images


product feed product images


When creating your product catalog, make sure that the images are of high quality and meet certain size, format and quality requirements.

Images must be at least 100 x 100 pixels in resolution and in JPG or PNG format. Images must also be updated regularly to reflect changes to your site.


Product descriptions

Product descriptions must be accurate and clear. They should contain detailed information about their features including size, color, weight and material. Descriptions should also include relevant keywords to improve their visibility.

It is important to regularly update product descriptions to reflect new products or changes to existing ones.


Prices and taxes

product feed prices and taxes


The prices of your products must be accurate and up to date. Applicable taxes must be included in the total price of the product. It is important to update them regularly to reflect price changes made on your site.


Stock information

Stock information must be current and accurate. Google will remove products that are no longer in stock. Ecommerce site owners should monitor stock and update this information regularly.


Product identifiers

Product identifiers such as brand ID and model number must be accurate and complete. These identifiers help identify products and create matches to user search queries.

By understanding the product catalog requirements on Google Shopping, merchants can ensure that their products are visible on the platform.

Images must be of high quality, product descriptions must be accurate and clear, prices must be up to date, stock information must be accurate and product identifiers must be complete.

By following these requirements, ecommerce site owners can improve the visibility of your catalog and increase online sales.


Mistake #2: Don't forget to include mandatory attributes, such as price and availability


price and availability


You should think about creating a product catalog by integrating the mandatory attributes requested by Google. Among the mandatory attributes of Google Shopping, we find the price and availability which are key information allowing potential buyers to make informed decisions on their purchases.


If these attributes are not included, your product will not show up on Google Shopping. This can lead to lower sales and visibility for your business.


There are many reasons why your product may be missing required attributes. Sometimes it's simply a data entry or configuration error on the e-commerce platform or Google Merchant Center.

It is important to check that your product data is correct and complete before uploading it to the platform. Make sure all pricing and availability information is included.


On the other hand, you may encounter problems with the integration between Google Merchant Center and your e-commerce site or content management system. It is important to use a robust and reliable integration solution to ensure proper data transmission.


To resolve the error, you must add the missing information to your product file and upload it to Google Merchant Center. Once the required attributes are included, your product will be eligible for display on Google Shopping again.


Failing to include required attributes such as price and availability can result in decreased visibility and sales on Google Shopping. It is important to regularly check the status of your catalog and correct any errors as soon as possible.


By following these simple tips, you can maintain a strong presence of your ecommerce site on Google Shopping.


Mistake #3: Not including enough products



When running ad campaigns on Google Shopping, it is important to include enough products to maximize the chances of reaching a wider audience and increasing sales.

However, some mistakes can be made in managing these campaigns, including not including enough products. This can have a negative impact on the campaign's performance and reduce the chances of success.


Here are some reasons why not including enough products in a Google Shopping campaign can be problematic:


Reducing the scope of the campaign

If a campaign only contains a small number of products, it will have a limited reach and will only reach a limited audience. This can reduce the number of clicks and the chances of conversion.


Lack of product diversity

Consumers often look for similar products. If a campaign contains only a small number of products, it can give the impression that there is not enough product diversity available, which can deter potential customers.


Difficulty in tracking performance


Difficulty in tracking performance


If a campaign only contains a small number of products, it can be difficult to track performance and determine which products are performing best. This can make managing the campaign more difficult and reduce the chances of success.


To avoid these problems, it is important to include enough products in a Google Shopping campaign. This can be done by using product catalog management tools to quickly upload and update product listings.


It is also important to regularly monitor the performance of the campaign and adjust the bids based on the results.


Poor quality images


Poor quality images


The images in your product catalog have a direct impact on the presentation of your products and their success with customers.


Poor quality images can have a negative impact on the user experience. Consumers are increasingly demanding and expect high quality images to make their purchase decision.

Blurry, pixelated or poorly lit images can give the impression of carelessness or unprofessionalism, which can deter potential customers.


The images must comply with Google's specifications, be of high quality and give a clear and precise view of the references put forward.

Non-competitive prices


Non-competitive prices


As with any other online advertising platform, you need to offer competitive prices to attract customers' attention.

When consumers are looking to purchase a product on Google Shopping, they often have several options available to them.


Therefore, price is a crucial element in helping them make their purchase decision. Consumers are more likely to make purchases from sellers with competitive prices.


In addition, Google Shopping uses an auction format for ads. Advertisers who offer lower prices are more likely to win the auction and appear at the top of the search results. Competitive pricing can therefore help sellers get more visibility and traffic to their website.


How to offer competitive prices on Google Shopping?

There are several strategies for offering competitive prices on Google Shopping:

Monitor competitors' prices: It is important to monitor competitors' prices to ensure that the prices offered are competitive. If prices are too high, consumers are likely to buy elsewhere.

Use price comparison tools: Price comparison tools can help sellers identify the most popular products and the most competitive prices for those products.


Mistake #4: Not optimizing product titles and descriptions


Not optimizing product titles and descriptions


When creating ad campaigns on Google Shopping, it is important to optimize product titles and descriptions to maximize their visibility and relevance.

However, there are some mistakes that can be made, such as not optimizing product titles and descriptions, which can negatively impact campaign performance.


Here are some reasons why not optimizing product titles and descriptions can be problematic:


Reduced relevance

If product titles and descriptions are not optimized, they may not be relevant to consumers' search terms. This can lead to decreased campaign relevance and less satisfactory results.


Difficulty in distinguishing from the competition

When it comes to selling products online, it can be difficult to stand out from the competition. This is especially true on platforms like Google Shopping, where many retailers sell similar products.Β 


Product titles and descriptions can be used to differentiate yourself from the competition and grab the attention of consumers. If these elements are not optimized, it can be difficult to stand out and get noticed.


It is also essential to build customer loyalty by offering excellent customer service and attractive promotional offers.


Lack of relevant information


Lack of relevant information


Product titles and descriptions should contain relevant information to help consumers make a purchase decision. If this information is not present or not optimized, it can reduce the chances of conversion.


To avoid these problems, it is important to optimize product titles and descriptions in a Google Shopping campaign. This can be done by using relevant keywords, including clear and accurate product information, and using calls to action to entice consumers to buy.


It is also important to track campaign performance and modify product titles and descriptions based on the results. Performance tracking tools are available to measure the impact of titles and descriptions on campaign performance.


To create an optimal product catalog, it is therefore important to optimize product titles and descriptions by using relevant keywords, clear and accurate product information and calls to action. By following these tips, you can improve the performance of your Google Shopping campaign.


Error #5: The catalog is not updated regularly


The catalog is not updated regularly


It is also essential to ensure that the product catalog is updated regularly. However, some mistakes can be made which can have negative consequences on the performance of the campaign.


Here are some reasons why not updating the catalog regularly can be problematic:


Unavailable products

If the product catalog is not updated regularly, products that are no longer available or out of stock may appear in the campaign. This can lead to a decrease in the relevance of the campaign and less satisfactory results.


Lack of new products

If the product catalog is not updated regularly, new products may not be included in the campaign. This can reduce the chances of attracting new customers and increasing sales.


Pricing errors


Pricing errors


If the product catalog is not updated regularly, pricing errors can occur. This can lead to consumer confidence issues and negative returns.


To avoid these problems, it is important to regularly update the product catalog in a Google Shopping campaign. This can be done by using product catalog management tools to quickly upload and update product listings.


It is also important to regularly monitor the performance of the campaign and modify the product catalog based on the results. This will ensure that the most relevant products are included in the campaign and that the prices are correct.


Mistake #6: Make sure your product URLs are correct and perform well


Make sure your product URLs are correct and perform well


This error usually occurs when there is an issue with the product URL that retailers have submitted to Google Shopping. The URLs need to be correct and updated so that consumers are redirected to the appropriate product page when they click on the link in Google search results.


Before creating a product catalog, it is important to anticipate the elements requested by Google when evaluating product URLs. In addition to their accuracy, the URL must be user-friendly and mobile responsive.


It must also be optimized for search engines so that products can be easily found and ranked in search results.

To remedy this error, retailers can manually review and update the URLs for each product in their Google Shopping account. They can also consider using URL optimization tools to identify errors and correct them automatically.


By ensuring that their product URLs are correct, user-friendly, mobile-responsive and search engine optimized, retailers can improve the visibility of their products and increase the chances of success for their Shopping campaigns on Google Ads.




Conclusion about common mistakes to avoid when creating a Google product feed


In conclusion, creating a product catalog for Google Shopping is essential to generate sales and attract more customers to your website.

However, avoiding these common mistakes can help you maximize your sales potential and increase your profits.


By following best practices and implementing quality policies for your product catalog, you can ensure that you are at the top of Google's search results and effectively boost your business.


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