6 Audience Ads updates from Microsoft Advertising

Microsoft Advertising has just unveiled a series of updates that are nothing short of revolutionary. So, let’s dive straight in!

6 Audience Ads updates from Microsoft Advertising

1. 🎯 More specific targeting thanks to Audience Ads

With consumer intent signals like search, web activity, and profile data, your ads will hit more precisely where it matters. Imagine reaching your prospects on MSN, Microsoft Edge, Outlook.com and much more!

2. 💡 Maximum auction automation

With the new Maximize Conversions and Target CPA features, no more headaches. Microsoft will automatically adjust your bids in real time to maximize your conversions or achieve a target CPA over a 30-day period.

3. 🌍 Audience Ads is growing

With the addition of 58 new markets in August, Audience Ads are now present in 187 markets worldwide. The expansion continues!

4. 🤖 Predictive Targeting: The future is here

With audience intelligence from Microsoft, reach audience segments you might never have considered before, but are ready to convert.

5. 🎮 Integration with Microsoft Games on Windows

Microsoft is rolling out placements for Audience Ads in games on Windows. And by 2024, we expect to see them in all of Microsoft's casual games. Gamers, watch out!

6. 📱New placements for app users

Audience Ads placements are coming to the free Microsoft 365 application for American consumers. And good news for our European friends: it's coming to Android in January 2024.

🔥 Bonus: New for verticals!

Microsoft is broadening its horizons by renaming its Hotel Campaigns to Lodging Campaigns. And that's not all ! Specific advertisements for sectors such as automobiles or tours and activities are in preparation.

🔔 Not to be forgotten!

For advertising aficionados, Microsoft reiterates the importance of trying the Performance Max open beta for predictive solutions and automated workflows.

💡 Conclusion

Recent announcements from Microsoft Advertising clearly demonstrate their commitment to continuous innovation. Whether you're a brand, an advertiser, or just curious about marketing, these updates provide exciting opportunities to reach your target audiences. Stay tuned for more news in this exciting area!

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