5 Things E-merchants Can Do with First-Party Data

The digital revolution has brought a plethora of opportunities for businesses, especially for e-merchants. At the heart of this transformation is the ability to collect, analyze, and effectively use data to enhance customer experience and optimize operations. One of the most valuable data categories for e-merchants is "first-party data."

5 Things E-merchants Can Do with First-Party Data


What is First-Party Data?First-party data refers to information collected directly by a company from its customers and users, without third-party intervention. This includes data from interactions on their website, purchases, email sign-ups, surveys, loyalty programs, and other forms of direct engagement. Unlike third-party data, which is purchased or obtained through third parties, first-party data is considered more reliable because it comes directly from the source: the customer.


The Growing Importance of First-Party DataIn today's digital landscape, privacy protection has become a major concern for consumers. With the emergence of strict regulations like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Europe and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) in the US, businesses are required to adhere to high standards when collecting and using personal data.


These regulations have led to a decrease in the availability and use of third-party data, making first-party data even more valuable for e-merchants. Indeed, first-party data, being directly collected, not only offers better accuracy but is also less subject to regulatory restrictions, as long as appropriate consent is obtained and good privacy practices are followed.


Personalizing User Experience


personalizing user experience


Personalization has become a key element of the online experience. Consumers increasingly expect brands to understand their individual needs and preferences, and e-merchants have a unique opportunity to use first-party data to meet these expectations. Here's how they can do it:

Product Recommendations

‍Context: One of the biggest expectations of consumers when shopping online is to quickly and easily find what they're looking for. Product recommendations based on first-party data can greatly facilitate this search.Implementation: By analyzing past purchase and browsing data, e-merchants can identify patterns and trends specific to each user. For instance, if a customer frequently buys sportswear, the site might suggest sports shoes or complementary accessories during their next visit.Benefits: This not only increases the chances of conversion, as the suggested products are relevant to the customer, but it also strengthens customer loyalty by offering a seamless and personalized shopping experience.

Custom Content

‍Context: Beyond products, a site's content plays a crucial role in customer engagement. Whether it's blog articles, videos, or buying guides, the content must resonate with the visitor.Implementation: Using first-party data, e-merchants can determine which types of content are most appreciated by different segments of their audience. For example, if a group of customers frequently reads articles on fashion trends, the site can highlight this type of content during their subsequent visits.Benefits: Relevant content can extend a customer's site visit duration, increase engagement, and ultimately positively influence purchasing decisions.

Special Offers

‍Context: Everyone loves a good deal, and special offers or promotions are an excellent way to entice customers to make a purchase.Implementation: Based on past purchasing habits and customer preferences, e-merchants can offer targeted discounts or promotions. For example, if a customer has shown interest in perfumes but has never made a purchase, a special offer in this category might prompt them to act.Benefits: Personalized offers increase the likelihood of conversion as they align directly with the customer's interests. Additionally, they can help clear stocks of less popular items by pairing them with more sought-after products.



Improving Customer Segmentation



Identifying the Most Profitable Customer Segments

‍Context: Not all customers are created equal. Some generate more revenue than others, and it's crucial for e-merchants to recognize these segments to maximize profitability.Implementation: By analyzing first-party data, e-merchants can identify which customers purchase most frequently, spend the most per purchase, or return regularly. This information can be used to segment customers based on their value to the business.Benefits: By recognizing the most profitable segments, businesses can more efficiently allocate their marketing resources and offer special incentives to retain these valuable customers.

Precise Targeting for Marketing Campaigns

‍Context: An effective marketing campaign is one that reaches the right audience with the right message.Implementation: Using first-party data to segment customers based on their behaviors and preferences, e-merchants can create tailored marketing campaigns for each segment.Benefits: This increases the campaign's chances of success, as the message is tailored to the specific interests and needs of the target segment. It can also reduce marketing costs by avoiding targeting customers less likely to convert.

Developing New Products or Services

‍Context: To remain competitive, e-merchants must constantly innovate and respond to their customers' changing needs.Implementation: By analyzing first-party data, businesses can identify gaps in their current offering or unmet needs of their customers.Benefits: This allows e-merchants to develop new products or services that directly address their customer base's demands, thus increasing their chances of market success.

Optimizing Operations and Inventory Management

Demand Forecasting

‍Context: Efficient inventory management is crucial for maximizing profits and minimizing costs.Implementation: Using historical sales data and purchasing trends, e-merchants can anticipate future demand for different products.Benefits: This allows for adjusting stock levels accordingly, preventing stockouts or costly overstocks.

Identifying Best-Selling Products

‍Context: Knowing the best-sellers is essential for any business.Implementation: By analyzing sales data, e-merchants can identify which products are most popular and profitable.Benefits: This information can be used to emphasize promoting these items, ensure sufficient stock, and even influence the site's merchandising strategy.

Reducing Returns

‍Context: Returns can be costly for e-merchants, not just in terms of logistics but also in terms of customer satisfaction.Implementation: By analyzing return data, businesses can identify common reasons for returns, whether it's size issues, quality concerns, or inaccurate descriptions.Benefits: With these insights, e-merchants can make necessary improvements, whether adjusting product descriptions, enhancing quality, or offering more accurate size guides, thus reducing future returns and increasing customer satisfaction.


Enhancing Advertising Campaigns


Precise TargetingContext: In the saturated world of online advertising, reaching the right audience with the right message is essential for maximizing effectiveness.Implementation: Using first-party data, e-merchants can segment their customer base into specific groups based on criteria such as purchasing habits, product preferences, or browsing behavior.Benefits: This allows for more precise ad targeting, ensuring the message reaches those most likely to be interested, increasing conversion chances, and reducing ad waste.

ROI MeasurementContext: For every dollar spent on advertising, it's crucial to understand how much is returned in terms of sales or engagement.Implementation: Using analytics tools and tracking conversions directly linked to an ad campaign, e-merchants can assess the effectiveness of their advertising efforts.Benefits: This allows businesses to adjust their budget and strategy based on what works best, ensuring a better return on investment.

Real-Time OptimizationContext: The advertising landscape is dynamic, and what works one day might not work the next.Implementation: By constantly monitoring campaign performance and analyzing customer reactions in real-time, e-merchants can adjust their ads to maximize effectiveness.Benefits: This allows for increased flexibility and adaptability, ensuring campaigns remain relevant and effective in the face of changing customer behavior or preferences.


Strengthening Loyalty and Customer Retention



Loyalty ProgramsContext: Acquiring a new customer often costs more than retaining an existing one.Implementation: Using first-party data to understand purchasing behaviors, e-merchants can offer specific rewards or incentives that encourage loyalty.Benefits: Customers feel valued and are more likely to return, thus increasing the business's customer lifetime value.

Personalized CommunicationContext: In a cluttered digital world, relevant and personalized communication can stand out.Implementation: Using first-party data, e-merchants can send emails or notifications that match the interests, preferences, and past behaviors of customers.Benefits: This increases engagement and conversion chances, as the message aligns directly with what the customer finds relevant.

Surveys and FeedbackContext: Continuous improvement is essential, and direct feedback from customers is invaluable.Implementation: Using first-party data, e-merchants can identify the most engaged customers or those who've had specific experiences (like a return or repeated purchase) and solicit their feedback.Benefits: This provides invaluable insights that can be used to improve offerings, address issues, and ultimately provide a better customer experience.


Going Further

If you have active advertising campaigns, consider leveraging your first-party data to optimize your performance and/or assist the algorithms of the networks on which you broadcast.

Here are some actions to improve the quality of your advertising account through first-party data-based strategies:

  • Direct integration of data into your advertising platforms: It's essential to integrate your data directly and continuously. The best e-commerce platforms offer direct integrations with major advertising channels.
  • Activate customer lists based on conversions in Google Ads: Google automatically creates a customer list based on conversions with the right tag implementation. This further enriches your audience data.
  • Prioritize first-party similar audiences on Meta: While Google has removed similar audiences, Meta retains this feature. The best performances come from customer audience lists.
  • Test first-party audience signals in your Performance Max campaigns: Combine first and third-party data. Results show that about 60% of asset groups perform better in terms of ROAS and revenue.
  • Segment your data based on user intent: Tailor your campaigns based on user intent. For example, create specific remarketing campaigns for users who've made a purchase once but haven't made a repeat purchase. Separate and nurture high-intent audiences with different strategies to increase customer lifetime value.Outside of advertising campaigns, use these data profiles to engage with users via email or even phone to gather feedback or rekindle sales. These strategies go beyond mere ad targeting.




conclusion e-merchants first party data


In today's digital landscape, where competition is fierce and consumer expectations are high, data plays a central role in determining an e-merchant's success. First-party data, in particular, emerges as a goldmine of valuable information, offering direct and authentic insights into customers.

Benefits Recap:

  • Personalization: First-party data allows for in-depth personalization, ensuring each customer interaction is relevant and engaging.
  • Effective Segmentation: By better understanding their customers, e-merchants can segment their base more precisely, thus optimizing their marketing and advertising efforts.
  • Operations Optimization: Whether for inventory management or demand forecasting, first-party data offers a clear view of trends, allowing for better planning and execution.
  • Strengthening Loyalty: By recognizing and addressing customer needs and preferences, e-merchants can build a stronger, more lasting relationship with their clientele.
  • Informed Decision Making: With reliable data at hand, e-merchants can make decisions based on concrete facts rather than assumptions.

Given these benefits, it's clear that first-party data isn't just a "nice to have" but an essential element for any e-merchant looking to thrive in the digital age. However, possessing this data is only the first step. Effectively leveraging this information requires the right tools and well-thought-out strategies.


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